Garth Primary School is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and protection of all children in our care.
We ensure that:
- We promote a culture of safeguarding across the school and ensure that all staff understand their responsibilities in identifying and reporting disclosures or concerns about a child.
- All practitioners understand and follow the school's safeguarding policy.
- We adhere to the 'All Wales Safeguarding Procedures'.
- We consider the wishes and well-being needs of every child, so that they receive the care and support they need.
- We follow BCBC safe recruitment procedures. All staff and volunteers who work within the school have enhanced DBS checks.
- We work closely with relevant outside agencies (such as health and police) to safeguard children and make referrals to children’s services if required.
Designated Safeguarding Leader:
Mrs. A. Hatch-Walker - Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders:
Mr. C. Bennett - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs. A. Davies - Senior Leader
Miss. C. Griffiths - Senior Leader
Governor responsible for safeguarding:
Mr. A. Stevenson
If you have any concerns or wish to speak to one of the team about a safeguarding concern, please phone the school office.
Alternatively, you can contact children's services:
Telephone referrals - 01656 642320
Emergency out of hours telephone number - 01443 743 665